Categoriearchief: Componeren

Piano Trio Society

Via een bevriende mede-componist (René Samson) ben ik in contact gekomen met de Engelse Piano Trio Society.

Piano Trio Society website
Newsletter – SUMMER 2016

Hun doel is onder meer het promoten van het spelen van piano trio’s.
Dit is wat de secretaris van de vereniging, Christine Talbot-Cooper schreef naar René toen ze hoorde over mijn trio’s voor jonge spelers:

“.. We had a discussion a couple of years ago about the lack of piano trio music suitable for early learners so I am sure this will be of interest. Would you be kind enough to ask Heleen to contact me? I would suggest she becomes a member of the Piano Trio Society so I can offer regular features about her work in our Newsletters and would be pleased to offer her a special membership deal!”

Het lijkt me dat de Piano Trio Society en ik hetzelfde doel hebben.

Schermafbeelding 2016-07-13 om 10.22.53

Janece Milos about ‘Trio-dag’

“Every year Suzuki Teachers try to plan an event for their students. This year we had a most lovely event: the premier ofmost recent event was the premier of Trio-Dag 2016 held today! This was a mini day-long Suzuki Institute made possible by the Suzuki piano teacher and composer, Heleen Verleur. Heleen composed
piano trios especially so young pianists could have the chance to play chamber music together with cello, flute and violin
players. This was held at Het Zeemanshuis in Amsterdam. The children had a wonderful time working together with
each other and the valuable experience of working with 3 different teachers each. The concert to follow the workshops was exciting and beautiful to listen to! My students’ family and I had a lovely time. Very proud of all the team work, parent support and hard working teachers! Music makes such an opportunity for appreciation of beautiful things and beings in our world. Thanks Heleen Verleur!!”

(this text from Janece has been copied from Facebook by Heleen)

Schermafbeelding 2016-06-06 om 08.54.59

Schermafbeelding 2016-06-06 om 08.55.10